javascript - random text

<!-- hide script from old browsers
function convertCase(conversion, text)
var conv, result, i;
for (i=0; i<conversion.length; i++)
if (conversion[i].checked)
conv = conversion[i].value;
case 'upper':
result = text.toUpperCase();
case 'lower':
result = text.toLowerCase();
case 'invert':
result = text.replace(/([a-z])|([A-Z])/g, function($0,$1,$2){
return ($1)?$0.toUpperCase():$0.toLowerCase();
result = text.replace(/([a-z])|([A-Z])/g, function($0,$1,$2){
return Math.random()>0.5?(($1)?$0.toUpperCase():$0.toLowerCase()):$0;
window.document.my_tool_form.result.value = result;
return true;

// end hiding script from old browsers -->


<script src="">

This tool needs JavaScript to work. Please enable it in your browser.

<form name="my_tool_form" action="#">
<tbody><tr><td><textarea name="text" rows="5" cols="30">Case Converter

Converts case of text either to upper, lower, inverse or random.

Just replace this text with your own, and you can convert it to any case you want.

Happy case converting!</textarea></td></tr>
<input name="conversion" value="upper" checked="checked" type="radio"> To upper
<input name="conversion" value="lower" type="radio"> To lower
<input name="conversion" value="invert" type="radio"> Invert
<input name="conversion" value="random" type="radio"> Randomize
<tr><td><input value="Convert" onclick="convertCase(this.form.conversion, this.form.text.value)" type="button"></td></tr>
<tr><td><textarea name="result" rows="5" cols="30" style="border: medium none ;" readonly="readonly"></textarea></td></tr>


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Norton AntiBot

Norton AntiBot provides advanced, real-time protection against emerging threats, including bots that are used to perpetrate identity theft and other online crimes. This powerful new security solution from Symantec detects unusual behavior on your PC and removes the malicious bots causing it. This protects your PC from unauthorized access and tampering, detects and stops attempts by hackers to take remote control of your computer, and delivers extra protection against emerging 'zero-day' threats. To help ensure that you're always protected, Norton AntiBot monitors your PC continuously to stop suspicious programs.

Download :

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BWMeter is a powerful bandwidth meter, monitor and traffic controller, which measures, displays and controls all traffic to/from your computer or on your network. Unlike other products, it can analyze the data packets (where they come from, where they go, which port and protocol they use). This makes it possible to distinguish between local and internet traffic for example. BWMeter can also be used for traffic control by setting a speed limit for all kinds of connections or restricting access to certain internet sites. It creates statistics for all computers in your network, measuring and displaying all LAN traffic as well as download / upload from the internet. You can even define filters which show your transfer with certain internet addresses (e.g. to see how much data you download from your favorite news server). BWMeter is ideal for home users to get an overview of how much bandwidth they use, as well as small to large businesses, where one computer can control the traffic and maintain the statistics of downloaded / uploaded data of all computers in the network. The product is easy to configure and offers a rich set of options and features for beginners as well as experts and network administrators.

Key Features

* Graphical and numerical display of bandwidth
* User definable filters for measuring bandwidth
* User definable graphs to visualize bandwidth
* Can monitor all network interfaces / adapters
* Can monitor and display all traffic on the network
* Traffic control, access control and speed limits
* Creates daily, weekly, monthly and yearly statistics
* Shows statistics of other computers running BWMeter
* Alerts and notifications
* Creates statistics of all local network and internet traffic
* Shows hostile internet traffic (hackers, viruses, etc.)
* Statistics can be exported / imported
* Easy installation and configuration with default options
* Supports LAN, WAN, VPN, ADSL, xDSL, Modem, Dial-Up, etc.
* Can run as a Service (Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 only)
* Absolute flexibility
* Many options for full customization
* and much more...


* BWMeter is based on WinpkFilter network drivers.

System requirements

* Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista, 32 bit only



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Open Office

Software Aplikasi pengganti Microsoft Office, versi terbaru Open-Office adalah v.2.3 Software Aplikasi ini memiliki kesamaan persis dengan Microsoft Office (US$ 340) dan bebas di gunakan karena menggunakan Lisensi GNU-GPL (General Public License). Open-Office versi terbaru dapat di download disini.

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me-repair Hardisk yang lagi bermasalah dengan OnTrack Easy Recovery

Rekan2 yang punya masalah HD rusak secara fisik / tdk terdetect ,saya coba memberi tips utk di coba yg tentunya jg sudah sy coba terlebih dahulu (dg catatan tujuan dr cara ini adalah utk kepentingan menyelamatkan data yg benar2 penting karena mungkin biayanya bisa melebihi jika anda membeli HD baru dg kapasitas yang sama):

1) Siapkan peralatan utk membuka HD ini yaitu "Obeng bintang segi enam" , krn umumnya HD di baut dng jenis baut ini, obeng spt ini biasanya ada di toko2 peralatan elektonik yg cukup besar (kalo di Jakarta ,di mangga dua atau Roxi banyak), dan perhatian juga utk membuka baut HD ini sangat kuat/keras jadi siapkan tenaga benar2..
2) Ambil HD yg mau di recover dan catat / lihat baik2 :merk: seagate, maxtor ..etc, dan bentuk-nya,posisi2 pin dan konektornya .
3) Cari HD yg akan di jadikan Kanibal (HD yg hidup normal, ini nt akan kita ambil mainboardnya/PCB yg ada di bawah HD), akan lebih baik kalo HD ini benar2 serupa dari merek, kapasitas, posisi2 pin jumper ,head sector, dan yg penting dudukan untuk bautnya sama supaya bisa di pasang....cari di toko2 komputer yg menjual HD baru-bekas atau tanya teman2 sampai dapat.
4)Oke..sekarang buka dan tukar mainboard HD yg tidak terdetect tsb dg mainboard yg normal tsb, buka dan pasang baut dg hati2 jangan sampai tergores jalur sirkuit di PCB -nya, krn perangkat ini sensitif sekali seperti wanita...
5)Bila sudah Oke, semua baut sudah terpasang rapi sekarang bisa langsung di pasang di PC anda...boleh berdoa dulu supaya berhasil.....

Bila belum berhasil atau tidak terdetec juga coba anda coba 2 tips ini:
1... Panaskan IC-IC di mainboard HD tsb dg cara di di dekatkan dg solder yg menyala tapi jangan di tempelkan dan jangan terlalu panas tapi sekedar memanaskan IC saja, atau bisa juga memakai panas dari Hair Dryer .
2... Bungkus HD td dg koran atau kertas, lalu bungkus lagi dengan plastik 3-4 rangkap lalu buat rapat bungkusan itu supaya kedap udara bisa dg solasi atau lakban. pokoknya rapat supaya kedap air....lalu..masukan bungkusan HD itu kedalam freezer kulkas anda.....sekitar 10 jam atau 24 jam jg tdk bercanda lho ini..sudah ada sekitar 3 HD dg cara ini pernah teratasi....

NOTE: Masalah rekan-rekan yg katanya merasa kesulitan mencari software Ontrack easy Recovery yg Full / bukan Trial ,..sekarang bisa anda download di sini....setelah susah payah sy upload dg koneksi internet sy yg lagi payah, silahkan di download dan semoga bermanfa'at.

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Windows SteadyState

Software ini merupakan pengganti DeepFreeze yang biasa digunakan di Warnet. Dengan software ini, warnetters dapat mensetting by-default PC di Warnet, sehingga jika terjadi perubahan setting atau bahkan terkena virus, maka PC akan kembali refresh seperti semula (default-seting) hanya dengan me-restart PC. Windows SteadyState merupakan software free yang di berikan Microsoft sebagai Tool yang sangat bermanfaat, dahulu software ini dikenal sebagai Microsoft Shared Access Toolkit. Windows SteadyState dapat di download disini.

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Returnil alternatif pengganti deepfreeze

Returnil adalah salah satu software yang berfungsi sama seperti DeepFreeze. lumayan ringan prosesnya dari pada deepfreeze yang lemot banget...(he..he..he). Jika kamu merasa computer terkena virus, spyware ato laennya...lemot banget prosesnya, kamu tinggal reboot computer maka akan kembali ke settingan semula.

Returnil Virtual System Personal Edition is free download.

The Returnil Virtual System:
> Keeps your System Partition safe when browsing the Internet
> Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Adware, Spyware, and unwanted content disappear with a simple reboot
> Enforces settings and protects your internet privacy
> Helps reduce overall disk wear by using memory rather than HDD cloning technology
> Saves you time, money, and lost hair by maintaining or improving peak computer performance
> Reduces or eliminates the need for routine disk de-fragmentation of your system partition
> Your spam filter is strong, but not infallible – Returnil will eliminate the consequences of opening infected e-mail and/or attachments
> Leaves absolutely no traces of computer activities
> Eliminates all activities even if your computer is powered-off or crashes
> Eliminates the danger of evaluating new software that does not require a reboot to install
> Offers stronger, simpler and smarter protection for your PC
> Seamless integration with supported Windows Operating Systems
> Easy to use, simple to configure, and the one tool in your arsenal that will be there to save the day when all else fails!

System Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP/ 2003 Server/ Vista 32-bit

Processor by OS:
XP: 300 MHz
2003 Server: 750 MHz
Vista: 800 MHz

Memory by OS:
XP: 128 MB
2003 Server: 128 MB
Vista: 512 MB

Hard Disk: 25 MB free HDD space (minimal configuration)

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